Chronicles of a Caffeine-Powered Intern – Part One

Hi everyone!

I’m here to give you the rundown on my first couple weeks as an intern at Like a Voss Inc. 

Honestly, it’s been quite amazing – but let me lay it all out simply.

Picture this: I’m at home, cup of coffee in hand, ready to kick off my first workday. Yep, we’re fully remote, and I love the flexibility. At 9 am (PST), we hop on a video call for our Monday catchup. Mandi, the Voss, sets the tone with her excited attitude – it was a great way to start the day.

Now, let’s rewind a bit. When I first interviewed with Like a Voss Inc., I got a really positive vibe. Something clicked from the get-go. And get this: the whole team was on the interview call. Yeah, you read that right – the entire gang was there. It wasn’t just Mandi; it was everyone. And that was cool.

One thing that really stood out was how each team member had their own business on the side. Like, they were all juggling their own businesses alongside their work here. Talk about inspiring! It’s like a bunch of entrepreneurial minds coming together to create magic.

The team culture? Oh, it’s on point.

Here’s the deal…

While we’re all focused on work, it’s not just work, work, work. Everyone’s about having a life too. And get this: Mandi did my interview from an RV while on the road – like, how amazing is that? And Jess, one of the team members, lives on an island. Can you say “coolest workplace ever”?

Even though I had more interviews lined up, there was this feeling in the back of my mind. Right from that first interview, I knew I wanted to be a part of this crew. It’s like my gut was telling me, “Hey, this is where you wanna be.”

Now, let’s talk about the real deal – the work. My main task is crafting past and present client case studies. It’s all about digging into old social media reports and piecing together a brand’s journey with Like a Voss Inc.

Sounds a bit detective-like, right? But it’s a total blast.

Then there’s the 90-day content calendar I got to work on with another beautiful team member, Ernie. This isn’t just random content; it’s all about figuring out what stories to tell and what people want to hear. And let’s not forget the blogs – sharing thoughts without the sugar coating, just real talk.

As I wrap up my reflections on this first week, I’m fired up for what’s next. This internship is more than just tasks; it’s about growing, learning, and connecting with an amazing team. It’s like the Voss says, remember to have fun.

Here’s to remote work, living life, and following that gut feeling that says, “This is it.”

Catch you on the flip side,



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