Two whole months have absolutely flown by! I feel like I blinked in January and suddenly I’m a week away from April. I find this notion bittersweet as the time passes faster, I’m reminded that my placement here at Like A Voss, is nearing the end.
Working on this team has been such an incredible opportunity both professionally and personally. I’ve worked some odd jobs even in my relatively short time in existence thus far, which means I’ve worked with a plethora of different people and personalities. In saying that, I can, without any doubt, say that this team is the most supportive, fun, and kind. There’s a culture of genuine empowerment with one another. Additionally, this culture of growth extends to both your work and who you are as a person. I have had more meaningful and honest conversations about mental health and wellness in the last few months than I’ve had in my life as a collective. That absolutely sounds hyperbolic, but I assure you it is not, in actuality
Over the last month since my previous blog entry, I feel more confident in my work and understanding of social media marketing. I’ve sought out and completed several Marketing Technology certifications/courses centred around social media such as:
- YouTube Music and YouTube Asset Monetization Certifications
- Hootsuite Platform and Social Media Certifications
- HubSpot Social Media Marketing Certification
- Twitter Flight School: Digital and Social course
On top of pursuing those courses and certifications, I am also in the midst of a Social Media Marketing course in my term at St. Lawrence College.
To break all of that down, I’m getting a multi-dimensional crash course in Social Media Marketing. It all intersects, as what I learn in the classroom I can apply to my work here, and then I take what I learn here and apply it to my academics. I look at it like a franchise-wide crossover episode or movie, very “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”. And in saying that I think I just further outed myself as a giant nerd, but who am I kidding, we’ve been knowing this for a while (hence my anime character drawing phase in 2015).
I would say my most current learning experience has been about hashtags and the power they hold in terms of engagement and growth. I have a personal Instagram account that I’ve had since about age 13, but when I looked at hashtags before, I saw them as “extra” or add-ons of non-importance especially for a 20-something person from Kingston, Ontario. Now I understand what they’re for, why they’re there, and the cruciality of matching your content with the right hashtags (large, medium, and small) and the balancing act/decisions behind the selections.
I am very excited to continue my growth and learning here at Like a Voss, and I am equally thrilled to share more of my journey with you (the singular and collective).
Stay safe out there!