Should You Be Setting Big Goals or Small Ones?

What helps your business grow best? Big goals or small ones?

Setting goals on social media is very important in improvement and growth, but it can be hard to decide what kind of goals to set. Should you work towards something bigger, such as gaining 300 followers, or should your expectations be smaller, such as gaining ten followers by the end of the week? Or, maybe, you should be setting both…

BSQ Goal Setting

Have you heard of BSQ goal setting? It’s a method of goal setting that was invented by organizational psychologist David Van Rooy. It stands for three things:

  • Think Big
  • Act Small
  • Move Quick

But what do each of those mean in regards to goal setting?

Think Big

Thinking big means defining your ultimate goals. What big, audacious goals do you have for the future? This could be things such as wanting to gain 500 followers or doubling your revenue or increasing your engagement rate to 6%.

Think about things that would be a major accomplishment for you on social media. These are things that don’t seem easily achievable. They are things that will take work and time but can be done. You have to really want it, though.

“We look at a big goal, and then we look back at ourselves, and where we are right now, and we think “what is the point of setting a goal like that, I can never attain it.”  The reality is that in many cases we don’t know what we are actually capable of achieving until we try.  We don’t know our limits until we actually test them.” – Lifehack

Now that you’ve thought of what you want, what do you do to achieve it? That is where acting small comes in.

Act Small

The first thing to think about is what steps you need to take to achieve the things you wanted when you were thinking big. If you want to gain 500 followers, what specific things are you going to do to attract people to your profile? Are you first going to work on increasing your number of shares by creating more shareable content so that more people discover you? Are you going to start to include micro-influencers into your marketing strategy?

These are the things you act on – smaller, manageable things that will have some sort of impact on your big wants.

Then comes the last part of BSQ goal-setting – moving quickly.

Move Quick

Moving quickly is all about coming up with a timeline for achieving all the smaller actions you thought of in the ‘Act Small’ part.

“Your goals need to have a deadline. Without it, nothing will be pushing you hard in the present to achieve it. If you don’t have a deadline, you’ll likely keep pushing it off to do other things for far too long.” – Like A Voss

This requires you to think about how long you want to take to achieve the big goals you dreamed of. Once you do that, you need to figure out how long it needs to take you to do all the smaller actions that will get you there. That’s what it’ll take to achieve your goals and grow your social media presence.

So, in regards to the earlier question, should you set big goals or small ones, the answer is both! It takes strategies like BSQ to reach the goals that will help you succeed. Big goals take small goals. It’s like a ladder. If the goal is too big to reach on its own, give it steps to get there.

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