Getting feedback from your followers is awesome! It’s different from getting bad reviews or negative comments. Genuine feedback from the people that follow your account can benefit you and your audience in so many ways.
It Makes Your Audience Feel Valued
When you ask your audience for feedback, they feel as if you trust them. When you act upon their feedback, they feel as if you actually listen and value what they have to say. A follower that feels valued and listened to is a follower that’s going to engage with you more and care about your content. It’s a win-win for both of you!
“Want to know if your users feel valued? Well then, just ask them! Asking for feedback is a great way to find out how your users are really feeling while making them feel their input is valuable. Show that you care by asking users how you can better serve them. They may shed light on tactics that your business may have overlooked or not even considered. No one knows your users quite like they do.” – Like A Voss
It Provides You With The Opportunity to Learn
Ask for feedback when you genuinely want it. No one is perfect and you need to be willing to see that when you ask for feedback. If you do, then that feedback becomes an amazing learning tool for you that can help you improve and grow your social media profile.
“Customer feedback is important because it serves as a guiding resource for the growth of your company. Don’t you want to know what you’re getting right — and wrong — as a business in the eyes of your customers?” – Help Scout
Any good company takes every opportunity they can find to improve and educate themselves, especially when they’re learning from feedback provided by the people that actually support and like their social media. There is always room to learn and take your company further. Anyone who thinks otherwise has a very low chance of success.
How to Collect Feedback
Aside from listening to any constructive criticism left in the odd comments here and there, there are many ways you can easily collect good and solid feedback from your followers.
Some of those include:
- Instagram polls – This is a useful way to ask your followers specific questions, such as if they prefer one kind of content over another.
- Promote feedback with Call-to-Actions – You can use Call-to-Actions to encourage your followers to comment with feedback. This could be something such as, “Let us know what you think in the comments below!” or “Leave us a review!”
- Ask questions on Instagram stories – This allows your followers to give feedback that only you can see, rather than them having to comment publicly on a post.
It’s also encouraging if you share reviews and feedback that people give you publicly as well as addressing criticism and acting on it. If your followers see that you take feedback well, they’ll be more encouraged to actually give useful feedback.
Feedback is vital for any business on social media. In truth, you can only see yourself from one point of view. Other perspectives are valuable to listen to. It’s the only way to truly improve!
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