The Two Golden Rules

Entry number 5 in my intern blog series has finally arrived; the second last piece of writing that I will be sharing with you all as an intern here at Like A Voss. That FOMO that I mentioned in the last blog is really starting to set in now. Not only am I going to be finished my internship in under two work weeks but that also signifies my official graduation from the Advertising and Marketing Communications program at St. Lawrence College.

3 years, a lifetime of friendships, and a newfound appreciation for Kingston later and I’m off to the next adventure… I guess an undergrad?! Whatever the next step is, I’m glad that I took this path and got to experience SLC in all of its glory before COVID turned the in-person experience upside down.

So, to avoid any further sentimental reminiscing about my college experience… let’s shift to the real content of this blog. The two golden rules I have learned as an intern. Ready for this saucy info? I don’t think you are!

Golden rule #1 – Show up


Golden rule #2 – Set goals

Now, when you read the first rule, you probably thought: “DUH?! Who does this guy think he is? Of course you need to show up!”. What I really mean by “show up” is that showing up goes further than just being physically present. Deeply engaging in your work and interactions with coworkers, sharing your motivations and hesitations, and being transparent in your struggles and successes are SO key in showing up and creating a naturally rewarding experience for both you and your coworkers.

Rule #2 definitely requires less explaining. Simply put, set some damn goals, or SMART ones if you’re really aiming to see some results that your mom would be proud enough to put on the fridge. One of the first things I did in this internship was to define specific SMART goals that I could follow for the duration and it has worked out beautifully. Though you might have to make adjustments to your plan along the way, having that plan in the first place will bring a different level of appreciation and enjoyment to your successes. 

Knowing you had planned for that specific goal and then executed each of the necessary steps to reach said goal is far more satisfying than blindly making your way through.

I’m assuming most of you are well aware of the meaning of the SMART acronym and even if you’re not, it wouldn’t take you long to find out! Showing up is the tougher rule to stick to. It’s the rule that doesn’t necessarily provide you a daily plan, but requires you to put all of yourself into on a daily basis. By putting these golden rules into place you’ll be well ahead of your average intern and will only have yourselves (and hopefully awesome team) to thank when you’re finished.

Till the next blog…

– Jackson Page


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