Can you believe another year is almost done? You may not have lived up to all of your 2018 resolutions – but not to fear! You can have the upper hand when it comes to social media marketing in 2019!
Here are 5 trends we think will be (or stay) hot in the New Year!
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
Although Snapchat is currently the king of utilizing geo-filters, AI, and augmented reality advertisements, we are starting to see VR and AR trickle into other major social platforms. Instagram has joined the party, and it is predicted that this “trend” will only continue to grow.
To give you an idea of just how big Virtual and Augmented Reality could get, here’s a statistic. Some sources estimate that, “the global market for augmented reality and virtual reality is expected to reach the market value of more than 298 billion by 2023.” That’s a growth percentage of over 62% in the next 5 years!
- Video
Okay, so this isn’t exactly a new trend – but it is definitely here to stay.
From Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook stories, to those delicious “Tasty” videos we see all over our feeds – videos are a thriving medium and will continue to grow in popularity in 2019. Advertisers and companies are finally realizing that at least 65% of the population is comprised of visual learners.
- Celebrity Endorsements and Influencer Marketing
Specifically in relation to videos and product endorsements. We have seen a huge influx in influencer marketing in the last couple years. From cars, teas, and makeup, to services – there are very few companies that cannot benefit from partnering with the right influencer.
However, with new ways to purchase followers and create the illusion of influence – it can be hard to know who is a real influencer (worth investing your hard earned marketing dollars into) and who is just a poser. For some help on how to spot a fake influencer, check out this blog!
- Chatbots
Anything that lets consumers avoid picking up a phone or talking to someone face to face is going to remain popular.
We have seen huge changes in the realm of Chabot’s recently – from automated conversations on Facebook messenger, to customer support being completely automated online.
Consumers are continuing to reach out to companies though the virtual world – so adapting your communications platform to grow with these changes will certainly give you and upper hand in 2019!
- A New Target Market
Step aside Millennials – Generation Z is the new golden ticket.
The idea here is to get them while they are young (born in the mid 1900’s – to early 2000’s), and have a little money to spend. Marketing efforts will shift to target the younger generation, who has grown up surrounded by tech, and the shadow of Millennials.
Because of this, many of the tactics that worked on Millennials will continue to thrive (such as the power of experience – like popup shops, and the need for customization and personalization).
For a little more detail about how Millennials and Gen Z’ers differ, check out this article.
What do you think 2019 will bring in terms of social media marketing tactics?
If you have any questions, or just need a little help making sure your social is on point for the New Year – reach out to us today!